

By participating in European and international projects, the Agency strives to strengthen its role in the international arena. Through bilateral cooperation with individual quality assurance agencies and membership in international associations, it strengthens the visibility and international comparability of the Slovenian Higher Education Area, thus contributing to the development of quality, open and accessible higher education. Within the Erasmus + programme, the Agency participates in international projects focused on transferring good practices and developing innovation and strategic guidelines in the field of quality assurance of higher education systems.

Ongoing projects:

SMEQA is a project based on the need of Bosnia and Herzegovina society for resolving the issue of accreditation of study programmes, improving Quality Assurance system at higher education institutions and capacity building at all institutions in B&H for the future process of accreditation. The project activities are focused on institutional and national strengthening of accreditation mechanisms, harmonization of processes in B&H and systematic implementation of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).

Additional info about the project

In the framework of the project activities, a Quality Assurance Team was formed at the kick-off meeting in Zenica (28.2.2024), with a SQAA representative as a member. The group, headed by representatives of the University of Banja Luka, developed a Quality Plan, and meets in regular meetings.

The Quality Plan sets out a set of guidelines in the form of principles, requirements and procedures necessary to implement effective quality assurance and to ensure a high level of quality in the implementation of project activities and outputs.

Key elements include:

– Roles and responsibilities,

– process control measures,

– performance monitoring,

– continuous improvement strategies; and

– compliance with relevant standards and regulations.

The plan emphasises stakeholder involvement, risk management and regular audits to maintain quality standards and promote organisational excellence.

Project events:

Zenica – kick-off meeting

Study visit to Split

Study visit to Ljubljana

International conference in Banja Luka

EUniQ project is coordinated by NVAO (The Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders) on behalf of the Flemish Community. The project consortium comprises eight quality assurance (QA) agencies, six ministries and the European stakeholders’ organisations EUA, ESU and ENQA. The QA approach is geared towards the special multi-campuses features and comprehensive missions of these new alliances. This approach enables the replacement of multiple national QA procedures that are not suitable for assessing the quality of these European alliances.

The independence project’s main aim is to contribute to fostering independence of quality assurance agencies across Europe. The project is focusing on exploring elements of independence of agencies from different national and European environments. Furthermore, the project is contextualised with a focus on exploring the role of the agencies in different backgrounds, analysing differences and commonalities between different parts of Europe and evaluating the responsibilities of key actors in different procedures at the agency level.

In response to COVID-19 pandemic, NAKVIS started to foster an online system of quality assurance as a consequence of the cancellation of the »face to face« activities at higher education institutions. NAKVIS, with the collaboration of CEENQA (The Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education), started with periodic meetings of the working groups to identify common problems, exchange examples of good practices among agencies and propose relevant solutions to improve the quality of online site visits and to strengthen new online formats of education in higher education area.

Archive - past projects


The general aim of the project is to facilitate the treatment joint study programmes, particularly in the fields of accreditation and recognition. Project partnership involves quality assurance agencies and accreditation agencies and bodies (services) for the recognition of qualifications. SQAA participates in the project as one of the four Coordinating agencies of the pilot procedures.


The multilateral agreement on Mutual Recognition of Accreditation Results regarding Joint Programmes, signed at the The Hague in the Netherlands in December 2013, is a project of the ECA Consortium involving 12 agencies or members . They all agreed with the SQAA approach to the MULTRA project.


The Certificate for Quality of Internationalisation is a project under the Erasmus Lifelong Learning Program; Erasmus Multilateral projects. Its purpose is to improve and accelerate the process of internationalization of higher education and the development of a methodology for measuring internationalization, both at programmme and institutional level. Successful evaluation will lead to the European internationalisation certificate providing findings as to whether a study programme or higher education institution has successfully included international and intercultural dimension into its purpose, activity and transfer of higher education. SQAA participates in the project in the Steering group and is responsible for selecting the study programme and conducting evaluation. The evaluation with the international group of experts from the field of higher education internationalisation is not intended for the assessment of quality standards aimed at accreditation or re-accreditation but for assessing the standards of internationalisation quality and awarding the certificate.


The main aim of Qrossroads is to present qualifications granted within state-approved or accredited European higher education institutions and study programmes in the form of a register. These qualifications are presented from the aspect of the higher education system, a part of which is the information on national quality assurance and accreditation bodies and bodies for the recognition of acquired qualifications.


The project seeks to combine applied knowledge from all areas of operation of quality systems in higher education. The collection consists of two modules; the first refers to the training of European quality assurance experts, and the second to the quality of joint study programmes. The project is still at a development stage.

EEEP – ECA Expert Exchange Platform

Intended to facilitate locating experts, publishing experts’ background in panel reports and, finally, sharing of (trained/experienced) experts across borders. The EEEP provides searchable, easy access information to experts’ profiles according to a common format. The experts’ profiles include information on personal details and CV, language skills, experience in academia/HE, professional experience, QA experience, QA training received.