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Transnational Higher Education


Transnational higher education (THE) are all the forms and modes of higher education, in which the publicly-recognized study programme in whole or in part is carried out in a country other than where the holder of a higher education study programme is based.

With the Criteria for International Cooperation in Higher Education, the Agency defines the criteria and conditions for the implementation of THE, thus ensuring that the THE carried out by the THE provider is equivalent to the accredited or publicly recognized study programme or to its part, in its home country. In the case of THE, no accreditation or evaluation procedure applies, for the study programme has already been accredited or publicly recognized (in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad), and consequently, it is already part of a higher education system.

In the procedure of entering in the public record kept by the Agency, the appropriateness of the THE contract or the fulfillment of the conditions is assessed. The official document on the successfully completed THE carried out in the Republic of Slovenia as part of a foreign higher education system is considered as a foreign official document and is therefore the subject of a procedure governing the validation and recognition of education in the Republic of Slovenia.

Public Record of Transnational Higher Education

THE  (15. 10. 2020)

SQAA also maintains an informative list of Transnational Higher Education without a contract.

List of Transnational Higher Education without contract

THE without contract  (18. 10. 2023)

Transnational Higher Education without a contract - READ MORE

In accordance with Higher Education Act (Article 33.c HEA), THE without a contract may be carried out in the Republic of Slovenia only by foreign higher education institutions or other institutions if the competent authorities of the country where the higher education institution is established recognize that the holder of THE program and the program itself belong to their higher education system. Before starting the implementation of THE without a contract in the Republic of Slovenia, the Agency shall check with the competent authority of the country where the holder of the study program is located whether the holder of this program and the program belong to their higher education system.

The document on completed transnational higher education, which is carried out in the Republic of Slovenia as part of a foreign higher education system, is considered a foreign document and is the subject of the recognition of education in the Republic of Slovenia.

It is important to know that THE without a contract, which is carried out in the Republic of Slovenia, is not subject to accreditation and evaluation procedures at SQAA, so the Agency is not responsible for determining compliance with the provisions of the Higher Education Act and quality standards of Agency’s Criteria. THE without a contract belongs to a foreign higher education system and as such is assessed according to different quality standards and assessment criteria and treated according to different procedures. Students enrolled in such study programs are students in foreign study programs, and the acquired qualifications, education and professional or scientific title are subject to recognition and are not automatically recognized in the Republic of Slovenia.

The rights and obligations of students are not guaranteed in accordance with the Higher Education Act, regardless of the fact that such education is provided in the Republic of Slovenia.

For additional explanations, please contact info@nakvis.si