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EQAF Forum: Broadening the scope of QA

PUBLISHED ON: 20. November 2018

Representatives of the agency attended the 13th European Quality Assurance Forum in Higher Education (EQAF), which was marked by a debate on the expansion of the use of quality assurance systems.

EQAF forum

This year’s forum, which took place from 15 to 17 November in Vienna, was hosted by the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien). The forum, which is considered as the largest international conference of its kind, focused on the topic of expanding the scope of quality assurance systems in higher education.

The main purpose of the Forum was to present and discuss how both higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies can create quality assurance systems that cover a wide range of activities, including learning and teaching, scientific-research work, strategic and project management, communication with relevant stakeholders and support services for the establishment, assurance and development of quality assurance systems.

The Forum included plenary meetings and thematic workshops which included in-depth discussions on research, guidelines and practices related to the provision of quality higher education.

EQAF has been taking place since 2006 and has been increasing its visibility and significance. In the wider international dialogue, it has set trends in the field of quality assurance and development, so it is regularly attended by the representatives of the Agency as well. The forthcoming forum will be held from 21 to 23 November 2019 in Berlin, hosted by the Technical University of Berlin.

Photo: Pascal Riesinger/PhotoArt