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General CEENQA 2024: Cross-border education and cooperation

PUBLISHED ON: 27. May 2024

The General Assembly with the accompanying CEENQA Thematic Workshop took place on May 17-18, 2024, in Baku, Azerbaijan. The workshop, dedicated to cross-border education and cooperation, covered a variety of topics, including trends and challenges in international accreditation and evaluation, examples of good practice in the recognition of foreign qualifications, strategic planning, and legal and policy frameworks for cross-border recognition. On behalf of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA), the event was attended by the Director of the Agency, Dr. Franci Demšar, who handed over the leadership of CEENQA to Dr. Vesna Dodiković-Jurković, a representative of the Agency for Science and Higher Education in Croatia (ASHE), and the Head of the Analysis and Informatics Sector, Ms. Maja Milas, at the Assembly. SQAA will continue to actively participate in CEENQA and strive to strengthen cooperation with agencies in the Central and Eastern European region.