SQAA Conference on quality – Designing a QA model for microcredentials
The theme of this year’s SQAA Quality Assurance Webinar, held on 6 November 2023, was ” Designing a QA model for microcredentials«. The purpose of the conference, which brought together a wide range of international and national experts in the field of microcredentials, was to share experiences and transferable practices in this topical area and to discuss the challenges that arise in this context. Please find the detailed agenda, the presentations of all speakers and a recording of the whole event at the links below.
Key findings from the OECD-EC Micro-credential Implementation Project (Kato, Gyorfi – OECD)
Approaches to Quality Assurance of Micro-credentials (IMINQA project) (Gover – ENQA)
The Future of Micro-credentials: Is Small Really Beautiful? (Brown – Dublin City University, National institute for digital learning)