SMEQA project: Study visit in Split
From 2 to 4 July, the University of Split hosted a study visit within the project “Strengthening Capacities and Mechanisms for Improving Quality Assurance Systems in Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina” (SMEQA), where project partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia gathered in an excellent atmosphere to discuss the topic of quality assurance in higher education.
The study visit was mainly devoted to presenting the external and internal quality assurance processes in Croatia, and the participants also discussed key project documents and activities to be followed in the coming months. NAKVIS participated in the meeting as one of the project partners. The next project meeting will take place from 5 to 7 November in Ljubljana.
SMEQA is a project based on the need of Bosnia and Herzegovina society for resolving the issue of accreditation of study programmes, improving Quality Assurance system at higher education institutions and capacity building at all institutions in B&H for the future process of accreditation. The project activities are focused on institutional and national strengthening of accreditation mechanisms, harmonization of processes in B&H and systematic implementation of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).