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The work of SQAA – animation films

PUBLISHED ON: 4. December 2023

The Agency has completed a project to produce animated films showcasing our key activities, processes and general educational themes. These short but content-rich films are designed to spread knowledge and understanding of the Agency’s work and of topics of general relevance from a quality assurance perspective in higher and higher vocational education.

The series includes 10 animation films covering a variety of topics, from the work of SQAA groups of experts, the hybrid approach in tertiary education, the role of informatics in our work, to international cooperation and the importance of participation in self-evaluation processes. Each film is available in both Slovenian and English.

We invite you to visit our YouTube channel or website where you can watch the whole series, and links to the individual animations are also available below.

Work in groups of SQAA experts

Guidelines for the hybrid approach in tertiary education


Communication in SQAA procedures

SQAA international cooperation

Evaluation of joint study programmes

Why participate in the self-evaluation process?

Thematic analysis and quality enhancement

SQAA and the specificities of evaluations of higher vocational colleges

SQAA and sample evaluations of study programmes