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Presentation of the SQAA Guide to Assessments

PUBLISHED ON: 23. January 2023

Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency (SQAA / NAKVIS) and the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA / SAZU) organized an event on January 18, 2023 in the premises of SASA entitled Presentation of the SQAA Guide to Assessments. The event was opened with speeches by Dr. Franci Demšar, director of SQAA, and acad. dr. Peter Štih, president of SASA, followed by the presentation of the guide, carried out by Tatjana Debevec from SQAA.

The event was attended by many distinguished guests from the Slovenian higher education sector, principally by the rectors of all the largest universities and the representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, the Union of Independent Institutions of Higher Education and the Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges.